Perform 'Special Moves'
When the bar, underneath your health bar goes up to full, press SELECT at the apropriate time (eg. when your opponent is standing up, for the Rock Bottom) and watch your wrestler lay the smackdown on your opponent! (To see a wrestler's 'special move' go to 'Biographies' on the main menu).
Opponent - Password
Val Venis - 2BDM
Road Dogg - 2BH4
X-Pac - 2BKN
Billy Gunn - 2BLH
Ken Shamrock - 2BPL
Big Boss Man - 2BRN
Shawn Michaels - 2BS3
Billy Gunn - 2BW9
Triple-H - 2BKP
Kane - 2B2K
The Big Show - 2B30
Mankind - 2B6L
The Rock - 2B7Z
Steve Austin - 2B!P
Mankind - 2CB8
Shawn Michaels - 2CD8
Billy Gunn
Opponent - Password
Road Dogg - PJH!
Val Venis - PJHT
Jeff Jarrett - PJKB
Shawn Michaels - PJM6
Big Boss Man - PJN9
Ken Shamrock - PJRW
The Big Show - PJSS
Shawn Michaels - PJWZ
Triple-H - PJXC
X-Pac/Ken Shamrock PJZX
Steve Austin - PJ18
Undertaker - PJ3P
Kane - PJ59
The Rock - PJ7N
Mankind - PJ!C
Kane - PKBY
The Big Show - PKDY
Steve Austin
Opponent - Password
Ken Shamrock - CSD7
Jeff Jarrett - CSGQ
Road Dogg - CSK8
X-Pac - CSL3
Billy Gunn - CSP6
Val Venis - CSQS
Big Boss Man - CSTP
X-Pac - CSVW
Triple-H - CSX9
Shawn Michaels/Val Venis CS0T
Big Show - C525
Kane - CS4L
Mankind - CS66
The Rock - CS8K
The Undertaker - CS!9
Mankind - CTCV
Big Boss Man - CTFV
The Rock
Opponent - Password
Ken Shamrock - FSDM
Jeff Jarrett - FSH4
Road Dogg - FSKN
X-Pac - FSLH
Mr. Ass - FSPL
Val Venis - FSR6
Big Bossman - FSS3
X-Pac - FSW9
Triple-H - FSXP
Shawn Michaels - FSZ7
Big Show - FS2K
Kane - FS30
Mankind - FS6L
Undertaker - FS7Z
Steve Austin - FS!P
Mankind - FTB8
Big Boss Man - FTD8
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