| NBA Jam Cheats and Walkthroughs |
Power Ups Well after you select your team, in the "tonight's matchup" screen press Y 7 times and on the seventh you hold Y and B and Up all at the same time till tip off. This gives you unlimited fire. Also, to do power up Dunks you press b 13 times and hold like above while you are rotating the D-Pad in a counter clockwise direction. This one is hard to do though because you dont have that much time there. Extra players These codes are for extra players. Goto enter initials and put these in. You enter the firt two letters then highlight the third then push the buttons shown. S= SELECT _= it is an empty box BILL CLIINTON: ARK L+S+X P FUNK: DIS L+S+A GORE: NET L+R+A AIR DOG: AIR L+S+X CHOW-CHOW: CAR L+R+X WARREN MOON: UW_ R+S+A WEASEL: SAX L+R+X TURMELL: MJT R+S+A RIVETT: RJR R+S+X DIVITA: SAL R+L+X KABUKI: QB_ L+S+X SCRUFF: ROD R+S+X Back to Super Nintendo