Command & Conquer: Covert Operations Cheats and Walkthroughs - Video Game Cheats

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 Command & Conquer: Covert Operations cheats and walkthroughs

    Command & Conquer: Covert Operations Cheats and Walkthroughs

Protect units

If you want to protect a certain units (for example, an ore truck) select a vehicle then hold [Ctrl] + [Alt] then click on the unit you wish to protect. It will follow it around for protection.

Hidden missions

Start the game with the c&c funpark or c&c95 funpark command line. Then, select the NOD missions to find five hidden missions involving dinosaurs.

All units and structures

Start the game with the c&c funpark or c&c95 funpark command line. Choose single player mode and win the Elemental Imperative mission. All units and structures for the team you are playing will be unlocked throughout a level. This allows you use Commandos, Chem Warriors, SSMs and Chinooks.

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Command & Conquer: Covert Operations Walkthroughs and Cheats
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