| Disciples 2: Servants of the Dark Cheats and Walkthroughs |
Cheat Codes Press [Enter] while playing, type any of the following codes, then press [Enter] again: Code - Result MONEYFORNOTHING - Get Loads Of Money And Resources BORNTORUN - Restore Moves HELP! - Restore Health WEARETHECHAMPIONS - Win Mission LOSER - Loose Mission STAIRWAYTOHEAVEN - Leader Gains A Level HERECOMESTHESUN - Reveal Map PAINTITBLACK - Unreveal Map LIFEISACARNIVAL - Revive all units ALLALONGTHEWATCHTOWER - Spy on all enemy parties ANOTHERBRICKINTHEWALL - Allowed to Build Buildings at Capital GIVEPEACEACHANCE - Peace with all Nations BADTOTHEBONE - War with all Nations COMETOGETHER - Alliances with all coutries JUMP - Increased Experience INVISIBLETOUCH - Invisible to enemy LETSDOTHETIMEWARPAGAIN - Advance a day Back to PC