Disciples: Sacred Lands Cheats and Walkthroughs - Video Game Cheats

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 Disciples: Sacred Lands cheats and walkthroughs

    Disciples: Sacred Lands Cheats and Walkthroughs


PLAYHIDEANDSEEK = become invisible
UPGRADEME = get experience points
IWANTTOKILLEVERYBODY = be at war with all
ILOVEALLOFYOU = be alliance with all
IWANTTOBUILDAGAIN = able to build again
IWILLKEEPANEYEONYOU = reveal enemy/monster
NOWICANSEEYOU = reveal all map
WHATALOSERIAM = lose instantly
NOBODYCANBEATME = win instantly
MAKEMESTRONGER = recover health
LETMEMOVE = are able to move again
GIVEMEMONEY = gold becomes 5000

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Disciples: Sacred Lands Walkthroughs and Cheats
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