Doom 2 Cheats and Walkthroughs - Video Game Cheats

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 Doom 2 cheats and walkthroughs

    Doom 2 Cheats and Walkthroughs

Good Cheats


Invincibility: IDDQD
Temp Invincibility: IDBEHOLDV
Partial Invisibility: IDBEHOLDI
Radiation Suit: IDBEHOLDR
Super Strength: IDBEHOLDS
Level Jump: IDCLEV + 1-32
Music Choose: IDMUS + 1-32
Make Full Map: IDDT
Make Full Map plus Items: IDDT (twice)
Ammo; Armor; Health; Keys: IDKFA
Ammo; Armor; Health: IDFA
Walk through walls: IDCLIP

To kill all monsters in the level type: FHHALL
To make yourself invisible to monsters utill you make the first shot type: FHSHH

Lots of Codes

Iddqd=God Mode
Idclip=Walk through walls
Idkfa=All weapons and keys
Idfa=Add Ammo
Idchoppers=Get a chainsaw
Idmus=(Level Number) Changes music to that
levels music
Idbehold=Press these when you type that in
I=for invisible
A=for all map
V=for a green face bonus
S=for beserk destroys almost anything w\1 punch
L=for the lights


Type in IDCLEV## (##) Means put in a number from 01-30 levels 31 and 32 are hidden.

More Codes

IDDQD = God Mode
IDKFA = All Guns/Ammo/Keys
IDCLIP = Clipping (Walk Through Walls)



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Doom 2 Walkthroughs and Cheats
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