Ghost Recon: Desert Siege Cheats and Walkthroughs - Video Game Cheats

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 Ghost Recon: Desert Siege cheats and walkthroughs

    Ghost Recon: Desert Siege Cheats and Walkthroughs

Cheat Codes

Press [Keypad Enter] to display the console window. After that, enter one of the following codes to activate the corresponding cheat function.
Press [Esc] to close the console window.

Effect - CheatCode

Achieve objectives one at a time - cisco
All inventory items - refill
Change your kit to specified file - kit [kit file]
Chicken grenades - chickenrun
Disable constant shaky screen - rumbleoff
Enable constant shaky screen - rumbleon
Exit game - quit
Faster movement - run
God mode - superman
Hide corpse names - hidecorpse
Infinite ammunition - ammo
Invisibility - shadow
Lose current mission - autolose
Mark location on map for teleport - mark
Mark location on map for teleport - mark2
Paintball mode - extremepaintball
Report current location - loc
Screen shakes - boom
Set gamma; default is 0.5 - setgama [0.0 - 1.0]
Show object names - names
Show texture properties for objects - showtextureprops
Squirrel launcher - squirrelkite
Suicide - god
Take over enemy bases - rock
Team God mode - teamsuperman
Team invisibility - teamshadow
Teleport - teleport
Teleport to preset locations - spawn
Toggle actor stats - toggleshowactorstats
Toggle AI - toggleai
Toggle display of tracers - tracers
Toggle effect stats - toggleshoweffectsstats
Toggle framerate display - toggleshowframerate
Toggle freezing trees - togglemovetrees
Toggle interface stats - toggleshowinterfacestats
Toggle level stats - toggleshowlevelstats
Toggle performance counters - toggleshowperfcounters
Toggle system memory stats - toggleshowsystemmemorystats
Toggle texture memory stats - toggleshowtexturememorystats
Toggle total stats - toggleshowtotalstats
Toggle user interface - toggleui
Unlock Hero characters - unlockheros
View debug counters - perf
Win current mission - autowin
Unknown - aiinfo
Unknown - airoe
Unknown - badtree
Unknown - cover
Unknown - dist
Unknown - eviltwin
Unknown - findcover
Unknown - gogetem
Unknown - hideframecounter
Unknown - hidegamecounters
Unknown - hideplayerposition
Unknown - hiderenderercounters
Unknown - journalplaystart
Unknown - journalplaystop
Unknown - journalrecordstart
Unknown - journalrecordstop
Unknown - loadgame
Unknown - range
Unknown - report
Unknown - reticule
Unknown - savegame
Unknown - showframecounter
Unknown - showgamecounters
Unknown - showplayerposition
Unknown - showrenderercounters
Unknown - testpath
Unknown - toggleshowscenestats
Unknown - toggleusetreeinterleave

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Ghost Recon: Desert Siege Walkthroughs and Cheats
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