| Gothic 2 Cheats and Walkthroughs |
Gothic.INI file You can change many settings by editing the gothic.ini file in (game dir)\system folder. For example you can enable Quicksave and more options. Just use notepad.exe or some other text-editor. Cheat Codes Press S then type Marvin then press S again. Now bring up the cheat console by pressing F2 and enter a code below: cheat god - Invincibility cheat full - Max Health lurker - lurker harpie - harpie goto vob - Teleport load position - Load position goto waypoint - Teleport load game - Load game version - Display game version print - Get screenshot goto pos - Go to Castle lichtbringer - Quest artifact insert - - Creat Item
The Create Item code lets you enter one of the following codes. Substitute - with one of the codes beneath:
torlofsaxt roter_wind ulumulu artos_schwert silax_axt diegos_bogen thorus_schwert udshaman_rockefeller icegolem freemineorc meatbug bridgegolem troll youngtroll yscavenger ymolerat xardasdemon swampshark btestmodell ctestmodell dtestmodell ftestmodell gtestmodell htestmodell jtestmodell ababetestmodell perception_testmodell) atestmodell urizielrune xp_map neks_amulett cords_spalter prankenhieb namibskeule dmb_armor_m elementare_arcanei astronomie dungeonkey fakescroll zeitenklinge victim Back to PC