Quidditch League
While playing the game, type in "harrygetsabroomstick" If that dosen't work, type in "harrygetsabroom". When the code is entered, go to the main screen click on Quiditch and it should be open.
Invisible Voldemort
This trick only works for a certain amount of time. When you are at the location immediately before you have to fight Voldemort, use the harrysuperjump code to land on top of the roof. When you jump down on the right, you can walk of near the mirror and he will start talking to you. When he says "Die Potter", you will walk back and he will then walk back to the mirror and continue correctly.
Treasure chests in Incendeo challenge
Cast Incendeo on all the Spikey bushes. Then, climb up on the hedges and jump down to find treasure chests.
More house points
Enable the harrydebugmodeon code, then go to the main menu. Click on "Level Select", then complete an easy level such as Flying Lessons to get more points.
Find characters for scenes
If you are at the place where Ron, Malfoy, his friends, and Nevil Longbottom are but they did not appear, use the harrysuperjump code. He will jump past the location. Turn around to see Malfoy, Ron, Nevil and Malfoys friends just standing there but not talking. You may also see Professor Magonigil over by the way to Hagrid's hut. However, do not go in the forest. Use the harrysuperjump code then turn around and she will be standing there, but also will not talk.
Easy level completion
Enable the harrydebugmodeon code, then press [F2] to [F6] to get to places closest to the end.
Scatter potions
When you get to the potions, hold [Space] during the entire dialogue and the potion shuffle. The potions will scatter.
Jump through trees
in the caves/forest where you have to knock over the tree near the waterfall, enable the harrysuperjump code on the place you are standing and you will jump through the trees.
Avoid fighting Malfoy or Peeves
When you are near the locations that you have to fight them, use the harrysuperjump code. He will go out the door if you are at the location where Malfoy is at, or he will get the chocolate frog and you can just keep walking in both locations.
Skip potions
To skip the potions part altogether, simply step in the doorway and enable the harrysuperjump code. You will get almost all the way to the doorway. There will be no dialogue and no fire in the doorway -- simply walk through.
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