| Homeworld Cheats and Walkthroughs |
Command Line Cheats Start the game using 1 of the command line switches below. Example of use is c:\homeworld\homeworld.exe /noBG /debug Debug Mode /noBG No Galaxy Backgrounds /noCompPlayer No Default Computer Players /notactics Turn Off Tactics /noretreat Turn Off'Retreat' Feature of Tactics /disableAVI Turn Off Movies DEBUGGING OPTIONS /debug - Enable debug window. /nodebugInt - Fatal errors don't genereate an int 3 before exiting. SYSTEM OPTIONS /heap - Sets size of global memory heap to [n]. /prepath - Sets path to search for opening files. /CDpath - Sets path to CD-ROM in case of ambiguity. /freemouse - Mouse free to move about entire screen at startup. Use F11 to toggle during play. /ignoreBigfiles - don't use anything from bigfile(s) /logFileLoads - create log of data files loaded PROCESSOR OPTIONS /disableKatmai - don't use KNI even if support is detected. /forceKatmai - force usage of KNI even if determined to be unavailable. SOUND OPTIONS /noSound - turn all sound effects off. /noSpeech - turn all speech off. /reverseStereo - swap the left and right audio channels. /waveout - forces mixer to write to Waveout even if a DirectSound supported object is available. /dsound - forces mixer to write to DirectSound driver, even if driver reports not certified. DETAIL OPTIONS /noBG - disable display of galaxy backgrounds. /noFilter - disable bi-linear filtering of textures. /noSmooth - do not use polygon smoothing. /nilTexture - don't ever load textures at all. /NoFETextures - turns off front end textures /stipple - enable stipple alpha (software renderer). /noShowDamage - Disables showing ship damage effects. VIDEO MODE OPTIONS /sw - reset rendering system to defaults at startup. /fullscreen - display fullscreen with software renderer (default). /window - display in a window. /noBorder - no border on window. /640 - run at 640x480 resolution (default). /800 - run at 800x600 resolution. /1024 - run at 1024x768 resolution. /1280 - run at 1280x1024 resolution. /1600 - run at 1600x1200 resolution. /d16 - run in 16 bits of colour. /d24 - run in 24 bits of colour. /d32 - run in 32 bits of colour. /truecolor - try 24bit modes before 15/16bit. /slowBlits - use slow screen blits if the default is buggy. /device - select an rGL device by name, eg. sw, fx, d3d. /gl - select default OpenGL as renderer. /d3d - select Direct3D as renderer. /nohint - disable usage of OpenGL perspective correction hints. /noPause - don't pause when you alt-tab. /noMinimize - don't minimize when you alt-tab. CHEATS AND SHORTCUTS /noCompPlayer - disable default computer players /notactics - Disables tactics. /noretreat - disables the 'retreat' feature of tactics VISUALIZATION /dockLines - show dock lines. /gunLines - show gun lines. /lightLines - show light lines (Debug only). /boxes - render bounding bowties on the ships. /textFeedback - enable text feedback for in game commands. COMPUTER PLAYER AND STATS /aiplayerLog - enable AI Player Logging /determCompPlayer - makes computer players deterministic /gatherStats- enable gathering of stats /showStatsFight= to show stats fight i,j /showStatsFancyFight=filename.script NETWORK PLAY /captaincyLogOff - turns off captaincy log file /captaincyLogOn - turns on captaincy log file /logOff - turns of network logging file /logOn - turns network logging file on /logOnVerbose - turns verbose network logging file on /statLogOn - generates game stats log file /intOnSync - Generates an Int 3 when a sync error occurs /syncDump=! X = size of SyncDumpWindow Y = granularity in universe Frames /logFilePath=filepath.txt /debugSync autosaves game frequently, records packets, logonverbose /forceLAN - allow LAN play regardless of version NIS OPTIONS /testNIS - enables NIS testing mode using [nisFile]. /testNISScript - enables NIS testing mode using [scriptFile]. RECORDED DEMOS /demoRecord - record a demo. /demoPlay - play a demo. /packetRecord - record packets of this multiplayer game /packetPlay - play back packet recording TEXTURES /disablePacking - don't use the packed textures if available. MISC OPTIONS /smCentreCamera - centres the SM world plane about 0,0,0 rather than the camera. /closeCaptioned - close captioned for the hearing impared. Back to PC