Magic Carpet 2 Cheats and Walkthroughs - Video Game Cheats

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 Magic Carpet 2 cheats and walkthroughs

    Magic Carpet 2 Cheats and Walkthroughs

Cheat Codes

To activate cheat mode, press I while playing, then type "WINDY". To use a code, press any of the following while playing.

Code Effect

ALT-F1 Access all spells
ALT-F2 More mana
ALT-F3 Destroy all players
ALT-F4 Destroy all castles
ALT-F5 Destroy all balloons
ALT-F6 Heal
ALT-F7 Kill all creatures
ALT-F8 More Spell Experience Points
ALT-F9 Free Spell Usage ON/OFF
ALT-F10 Invincibility ON/OFF
Shift-D Complete current objective
Shift-C Complete level

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Magic Carpet 2 Walkthroughs and Cheats
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