Stealth kills
If an enemy mech is on the other side of a wall, ram into the wall and zoom in. You will be able to see and shoot through the wall. Note: This trick works with mountains and other walls that cannot be destroyed.
Final Trials Of Bloodright
Complete all missions without any failures to get to the Trials of Bloodright after the last mission. A number next to your name on the registration screen indicates a failure. Press [Esc] and select the "Flee to DOS" option before the mission ends to prevent the failure from being recorded. Note: You may also enable the "Invincibility" or "End mission successfully" to accomplish this task.
Special locations
Ice Hall
Click on the light on the left side of the screen.
Click on the poster on the right side of the screen in front of the mission computer projector.
Drop ship
Click on the white computer screen to the right of the mission computer.
Mission select
Enter FREEBIRTHTOAD as a name.
Easy wins for Trial Of Blood Right
Customize a Timber Wolf Mech with the following:
300XL Engine
10 (20) Heat Sinks
4 Jump Jets
STD Internals
12.00 T Ferro-Fiberous Armor
Armor allocation
Head: 9
Right/left arm:24
Right/left leg: 32
Center torso: 32-14
Right/left torso: 32-10
8 LRM-15 w/1 ton ammo each
With this setup, just lock and fire one string of missiles out to two, fire the next. Keep following that pattern to kill everything in thirty seconds.<ý/p>
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