| Might and Magic III: Isles of Terra Cheats and Walkthroughs |
Easy Money For a an easier game, enter the password "DOE MIESTER". You'll start the game with $2,000,000 and won't be penaziled if you ask Mr. Wizard for assistance. Passwords These passwords will help you answer all the riddles throughout the world of Might and Magic III. The "x" and "y" coordinates represent the area you're in and can be used easier by using the Magic Eye Spell. Have fun and enjoy the easy life! Alpha Engine Sector: X6 Y15 =PRIMARY Beta Engine Sector: X6 Y0 =PRIMARY Main Engine Sector: X6 Y0 =WARP X6 Y15 =SUBLEVEL Central Control Sector: X1 Y5 =CREATORS X3 Y5 =CREATORS X9 Y5 =CREATORS X13 Y5 =CREATORS Forward Storage Sector: X9 Y11 =YOUTH Swamp Town: X2 Y13 =MIRROR X6 Y2 =STAIRS Cursed Cold Cavern: X18 Y14 =ICICLE X27 Y25 =TOMORROW X27 Y11 =CHAIN X27 Y17 =ECHO Arachnid Cavern: X14 Y15 =20301 Castle Dragontooth: X13 Y7 =11 X13 Y9 =11 X8 Y0 =20000 Castle Bloodreign: X9 Y15 =OGRE X4 Y10 =NORTIC X4 Y9 =NORTIC X10 Y10 =NORTIC X10 Y9 =NORTIC Castle Graywind: X7 Y5 =CIRCLE Castle Blackwind: X11 Y0 =TEN Castle Whiteshield: X Y =JOABARY X Y =S-MELLO Fountain Head Cavern: X12 Y5 =RATS Slithercut Stronghold: X7 Y26 =EPSILON Dark Warriors Keep: X24 Y2 =314 Cathederal of Carnage: X25 Y14 =JVC The Halls of Insanity: X11 Y12 =TEARS X14 Y9 =BLINK X17 Y12 =EYES Area B3: X9 Y9 =SECRET X13 Y6 =DARKNESS Mirror Portals Fountain Head =HOME Baywatch =SEADOG Wildabar =FREEMAN Swamp Town =DOOMED Blistering Heights =REDHOT Arena =ARENA Area E4 X3 Y3 =EARTH Area C2 X12 Y0 =FIRE Area F1 X0 Y12 =AIR Area E3 X7 Y10 =WATER Ultimate Power Orb To being your quest with the King's Ultimite Power Orb, enter the password "ORB MIESTER". View Movies To view the intros and ending, enter the password 645 for the first half, 231 for the second half, or BLASTOFF to view the endgame. Back to PC