Cheats To type any screen to enable Effect Code multicolorcar and horizon - kcjones Slow motion - slip chase mode - chase smoking cow tires - mad diffent colors - madland increased traffic - rushhour limousine traffic - vip rain mode - rain slot car mode - slot
Heavier Car Enter silspd as a name after you have gotten a new track record.
Drive trough barriers Begin a race on the mediterraneo or mystic peaks with the McLaren F1 in simulation mode. Drive in reverse during the race constantly blaring your horn hit any moveable object (but a sign) at 60 mph to enable the cheat. Then hit any guard rail, or any other barriers at 80 mph to jump off the track.
Turbo Boost Hold H during race to get a turbo boost.
Cheat On the main menu type "go18-go51"
Pure Steel To get a NasCar Tombstone car type in Tombstone in the select car menu(don't worry about the capitals) To get an old-style car (the Bomber BFS) type in Bomber in the same menu (don't worry about the capitals). To get a jet engine (accelerate faster) type in mach1 in the main menu. The Pioneer code is better, though.
Codes type these codes in where your name would go, and remember use caps lock when typing these in. EAC POWR=warrior jet power car EAC RALY=tracks become slippery,rusty springs turns into dessert EAC WARP=better handling aggresive opponents EAC RALY POWR=warrior car plus slippery/dessert track EAC RALY WARP=slippery tracks and better handling EAC 4X4R=removes all 4x4 trucks and replaces them with cars EAC TIME=??? EAC WRAP=??? EAC QAQA=better stability and landing after crash EAC SPIT=??? EAC SLOW=slows down the clocks speed EAC GIMX=changes advertising graphics in race EAC SCAR=unrecoverable car(Don't crash with this one)
Codes K all of these cheats u put in at the main menu just type them in.... 1. to get a slippery track press-silspd 2. to have the other cars crash when u honk your horn (they have to be in a straight line | ahead of u) press-roadrage 3. for the car to atomaticlly turn press-slot 4. to race at night right alfter u press race or when hold the button-n 5. for your civilian cars to go faster put in - pioneer 6. for more traffic type in-rushhour 7.type in hollywood to get a monolithic studio track
Codes go18-51: allows you to drive various civilian cars holly wood: opens secret track fzr2000: super bonus car(s) pioneer: powerful pioneer engine rushhour: lots of traffic schoolzone: everybody drives a schoolbus rexhour: dino land