| Rollcage Cheats and Walkthroughs |
Cheat Codes Type these cheat-codes in any menu you like. You will hear a sound when typed correctly. Type the cheat again to disable. Cheats are written to the registry, so the will be available next time you play the game. IAMALAZYBASTARD - Debug Menu WARPSPEEDMRSULU - Hyper Speed WRECKEDONSPEED - Mega Speed REFLECTIONS - Mirror Mode GIVEMESCORPIO - Scorpio League GIVEMETAURUS - Taurus League JACKIMFLYING - High Gravity FLYMETOTHEMOON - Medium Gravity BRINGMEBACKTOEARTH - Restore Normal Gravity TROTTERS - Expert Difficulty BIGANDPINK - Hard Difficulty BILLYTHEWHIZZ - Unknown NETWORKFUN - Unknown SNAR - Unknown Back to PC