Save money
To save money when you have another character and you get to the final floor, switch to Gre and defeat the Boss. Additionally, Gre has the power to make the Boss wait longer.
How to pay off the debt easy
First be at level 45 in the third ruins you go to then get all the treasure chests, then go back to town trade in all your appraised items then go back to the ruins at lvl 1 then get killed. You will now have 200,000gp
Use Special Moves Without Using FP
To use any special move without using any FP simply wait until you are in battle to master a technique. (This is really useful on bosses)
Immediately eliminate status effect
While in battle sometimes monsters will perform attacks that cause changes in your otherwise normal status. (Such as sleep and paralysis.) When this happens it is possible to easily rid yourself of these two status changes by simply pressing the B button (blue button) when the turn of the player with the status change comes up. The dialog box at the top of the screen will say for example "Gre is alseep," and show a close up of your character, now press the B button and your character will be fully awake or fully able out of paralysis on his/her next turn.
Music Test
After finishing the fifth and final ruins, enter the tavern and then check the jukebox. A list of all the music in the game is now available to play.
Screwed up writing
To see some really screwed up writing, go fight and win a battle.After the battle when and only when your characters are flashing go to the main menu and select party.Then select formation,and try to move your guys around.If your guys are still flashing some weird writing will appear and the game will get really slow.Don't try this for too long though,it might screw up your game.
Extra money
Successfully complete the game and save it. Then, load the saved game to start with more money.
Double attack
Attack a monster from behind to give your characters two attacks in a row.
Tip: When roaming dungeons, if you manage to run into enemies from behind, you'll take them by surprise and have the initiative during the fight; this also allows you an extra set of attacks at the beginning of combat.
Tip: Concentrate on Linear's recovery spells in order to keep the party healthy enough to make it through the dungeons at the start of the game.
Tip: Gre is a good party member to have at the beginning of your quests, because many of his specials allow him to boost Mag's stats or affect the status of your enemies.
Tip: Be sure to visit the Society after you finish your final quest; you'll have the opportunity to get an interesting item.
Alternate costumes
At the character selection screen, press X.
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