| Star Wars Demolition Cheats and Walkthroughs |
Play as Tamtel Shreej Successfully complete the game with at least 10,000 credits with Boba Fett and Wade Vox to unlock Tamtel Shreej. Play as Pugwis Successfully complete the game with at least 10,000 credits with General Otto and Tia & Ghia to unlock Pugwis. Play as Wittin Successfully complete the game with at least 10,000 credits with Aurra Sing and Quagga to unlock Wittin. Play as Boushh, Darth Maul, and Lobot Successfully complete the game with at least 10,000 credits with Malakili to unlock Boushh, Darth Maul, and Lobot. Play as Malakili Successfully complete the game with at least 10,000 credits with Tamtel Shreej, Pugwis, and Wittin to unlock Malakili. Back to Dreamcast