Super fighter
Enter "Best" as a first name and "Buy" as a last name in career mode to have 999 creation points for your created fighter. Note: The name is case-sensitive.
Card Girl
Win ufc mode with all 22 fighters to unlock the Card Girl's body type, fighting style, voice, and nickname in career mode.
Bruce Buffer (ring announcer)
Win ufc mode with a created fighter to unlock Bruce Buffer's body type, fighting style, voice, and nickname in career mode.
John McCarthey (referee)
Win championship road mode with a created fighter to unlock "Big" John McCarthy's body type, fighting style, voice, and nickname in career mode.
Win championship road mode on the hard difficulty setting with any fighter to unlock Ulti-Man's body type, voice, nickname, and the "Octagon" location in career mode.
Win championship road mode with all 22 fighters to unlock Ulti-Man's fighting style and the "Suitcase" location in career mode.
Body type's and fighting style's
Win ufc mode with any of the 22 fighters to unlock their body type and fighting style in career mode
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