| Abyss, Íhe Cheats and Walkthroughs |
Dolby Digital sequence Choose the "Audio Option" selection at the main menu, then select "Hydrophone Checkout". Aliens trailer Choose the "Audio Option" selection at the main menu, then select the "Facehugger" alien. This may also be done by choosing the "Subtitle Options" selection at the main menu. Then, select the "Facehugger" alien. Another trailer can be viewed by highlighting the "'Pseudopod Multi-Angle" option at the "Imaging Station" screen. Press Left to view the trailer. Strange Days trailer Highlight the "Image Gallery Menu" option at the "Imaging Station" screen. Press Down to view the trailer. Additional trailers Select the "More" option on the "Special Features" screen. Select the "Trailers" option. The next screen features various trailers for The Abyss. Press Up at the trailers to highlight the movie poster for Aliens. Press Enter to view a trailer from that movie. Press Down from the main trailer screen to highlight the movie poster for True Lies. Press Enter to view a trailer from that movie. Press Right at the main trailer screen to highlight the movie poster for Strange Days. Press Enter to view a trailer from that move. True Lives trailer Insert disc two, then choose the "'The Abyss In Depth - Mission Components" option. Press Up to get above sea level. Press Up to highlight the wave. Press Up again to highlight the Harrier jet. Press Enter to view a trailer from True Lives. Back to DVD Video