Derail Train
When in original mode or arcade mode, go to the train station and wait for a train. When one approaches, drive in front of it. The front car of the train will move off the tracks and start honking and try to move. Stay there and eventually the front car will fly off the tracks and will remain that way for a little while.
More Money
Your passenger will get excited and give you more money when you closely pass other drivers on the road.
Get First Place
Start the game with your fastest character and shift into reverse gear. Reverse all the way until you reach a passenger. When you have collected her, stay to the center of the road (so that you get more combos for Crazy Through). When you get to the rail car station at the top of the hill, go anyway you want (preferably straight down the middle). Try to stay to the center of the road. Go as fast as you can without crashing into any of the other vehicles. When you get to the bottom of the hill, drop off the passenger. After that, pick up any Red, Orange or (if desired) the Yellow. This will allow you to increase your time, passengers, and money.
Crazy box
To complete the 30 times level, drive down the middle of the road at a relatively slow speed.
Crazy Flag
Put your car into reverse and just drive backwards until you hit the flag.
Crazy Jump
In the Crazy Jump, start off with a Crazy Dash. When you get to the middle of the ramp perform a Crazy Dash again and once again before leaving the ramp. This result in over three hundred and high two hundreds.
Crazy Pole
In Crazy Pole, do a Crazy Drift to hit the pole. This will allow you to stop in both destination points of each person.
Crazy Parking
In Crazy Box mode; complete the following levels to receive the bonus: 1-2, 2-2, and 3-2.
Crazy Speed
Press Reverse then press Drive very fast. If done correctly, your car will speed off very fast.
Crazy Stop
Press Reverse + Brake.
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