Eye in the Sky
Get the Graber Hand thing and make yourself go up onto the ceiling, make sure to hold it. All you have to do is stay there until someone comes into the room then you can shoot them whithout them knowing where you are. --Make sure to watch your radar!--
Golden gun in multi-player mode
Successfully complete the Precious Cargo level with a "Platinum" rank and all 007 icons.
Viper gun in multi-player mode
Successfully complete the Night Of The Jackal level with a "Platinum" rank and all 007 icons.
Carrier guard multi-player skin
Successfully complete the Evil Summit level with a "Platinum" rank and all 007 icons.
Rapid fire power-up
Successfully complete the Fire And Water level with a "Gold" rank.
Regenerative armor power-up
Successfully complete the Mediterranean Crisis level with a "Gold" rank.
Calypso gun in multi-player mode
Successfully complete the Fire And Water level with a "Platinum" rank and all 007 icons.
Gravity boots in multi-player mode
Successfully complete the Bad Diplomacy level with a "Platinum" rank and all 007 icons.
Lotus Esprit car
Successfully complete the Streets Of Bucharest level with a "Gold" rank.
Golden bullet power-up
Successfully complete the Poseidon level with a "Gold" rank.
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