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 Mission Impossible: Operation Surma cheats and walkthroughs

    Mission Impossible: Operation Surma Cheats and Walkthroughs

Mission 5: Algos Head Quarters

After you infiltrated his headquarters jet with the jet pack there is a sequence. When the game resumes you have to kill some opponents and Luther will tell you to put three bombs in the plane. On each side is a ladder. Go up one side then up
the second ladder and go towards the back. There is a mark on the wall in red to plant one of the bombs. Hold Triangle to do so. Go down the two ladders and kill the guards that came in. Go to the other side then up the other two ladders. Again,
there is a mark in red where you need to plant the second bomb. Come out and kill the other guards that entered. Go towards the back where you first came in to jet in the beginning of the level. Use your Micro-cord gun to latch on to the yellow pipe on the ceiling. Go all the way back and to find the third final bomb location. Plant it, then watch the intermission sequence. Stay there and take out your Sniper Pistol. Snipe the guards that are back by the blue crates. These opponents
are tougher than the last ones you killed, but its easier to snipe them rather than killing them in close range. Then, get back to the door and go in. Kill the guard quietly and wait for the enemy to talk to you while you kill the guards that come down.

Level Select

Select the 'Profiles' option at the main menu. Highlight the option for 'Jasmine Curry' then hold L + R + Y + X. You will be returned to the main menu, and a 'Levels' option will now appear. You will not be able to save the game while this code is enabled.

Avoiding Gun Turrets

When the turrets are shooting you, roll all the way and do not run.

Defeating Jong Ho

Equip the .45, then hide behind the crates to the right of the full ammo supply. Place your center bead on him and fire. He will eventually die. Do not worry about getting a clear shot, as you will see with incoming enemies they will die easily.

Defeating Algo

On the last mission, when you have to fight Algo, to kill him quicker aim for the muzzle when he fires then move up slightly and fire. This will kill him faster.

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Mission Impossible: Operation Surma Walkthroughs and Cheats
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