When you have a Shell (Any Item) Hold it behind your kart, this will protect you against:
- Incoming Shells
- Other Drivers, Trying to Bump you from behind.
Very handy in Link mode.
Another Shortcut on Rainbow Road
After the S-turn, go on the narrow strip that has a lot of turbo pads. When you are off, go straight, and when you are in the air turn sharply. If you have bounced , or have landed on a turbo pad, you have just cut off a big turn. This is very hard to do.
Off the Beaten Path
In several of the races, there are areas the player can head for that the computer normally does not. These are shortcuts.
Here's a few tips on how to find these:
1. If you see a yellow band (i.e. a yellow strip that makes your kart jump) in an odd place, it may be a shortcut.
2. Look closely at the map. Some tracks have narrow ledges that can allow you to skip 180 degree turns.
3. Remember: the more boost tiles (the flashing red and yellow arrows on the track) that you hit in sequence, the higher you'll fly if you hit a yellow band.
To date, I've found shortcuts in the following courses:
Boo Lake
Sky Garden
2 in Snow Land
Rainbow Road
New Stary Screen
Get a '3 stars' rank on every Super Circuit cup in every cc class and the opening screen will have a stary sky and new music.
Dusk Startup Screen
To turn the Startup srceen orange get a gold cup in every Super Circuit cup in 50, 100 and 150cc.
Nighttime Startup Screen
To turn the Startup srceen starry get a 3 star ranking in every Super Circuit cup in 50, 100 and 150cc.
Shortcut on Extra Donut Plains 3
When coming down the second bridge, boost near the left of the jump. Turn left in the air and then right. If you land left of the Start/Finish line you will have nearly completed a lap, if you land on it, you will have gone backwards. To tell the difference, check if you finish a lap when you pass the Start/Finish line.
Shortcut on Broken Pier
When you come to a group of coins in the shape of an arrow, drive to the jump it is indicating and boost when you get quite close. You should land on another platform and cut off a lot of the track.
Shortcut on Ribbon Road
After the first U-turn on the track hit the little boost and turn right in the air. You should bounce back onto the course. You have just cut off a lot of the track.
Another Short Cut in Sky Garden
Right after the biggest straight away there will be a u-turn. Take it and you will find a cloud right off the track. Jump on the cloud and jump off on the other side. You WILL be ahead.
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