Afro Thunder with 100% Stats
Go to Championship mode. When at the character selection screen, go to password. Type in kkbhggg$m3ts. You should now have a Afro Thunder with 100% stats.
Unlock Michael Jackson
Type as a password: $MNXVGGG$C372
Unlock Robox Rese
Type as a password: $4JPWGGG$C779
Unlock Rumble Man
Type as a password: $6LNZGGG$W7G7
Unlock Shaq
Type as a password: $HMBNGGG$C361
Unlock Lulu Valetine
Type as a password: $WWNVGGG$C3KJ
Unlock Mama Tua
Type as a password: $8GZTGGG$C76J
Unlock Afro Thunder
Type as a password: $KBBNGGG$C37G
Unlock Angel Rivera
Type as a password: $8DDNGGG$C7JB
Unlock Jet Chin
Type as a password: $WF7PGGG$C779
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