Never Ending Explosion
For this cheat to work you must be in the facility level and playing capture the case against at least four simulents and their base must be in the bathroom for this cheat to work. Throw explosives into the room leading into the bathroom and eventually a never ending explosion will start. A great way to work up a high kill count.
Spinning Knife
You will need the all guns cheat for this to work. Go up to one of the elevators up to the second floor and get out the "Combat Knife". Now throw the knife into the side of the elevator entrance and watch the knife spin!
Turn off the lights
This is not really a cheat, First go to the first level.Then go to the room with the big fan. Go up to the fan, turn to your right. Then you will see something white. Press B to it, the lights will turn off. You will not be able to see. To see you must shoot a gun.
Faster Way
On Area 51: Escape, at the very end, instead of finding a way out, you can go with Elvis. Once Elvis says, "Oh, no! We have a problem! It's a single seater!", run up to the consoles. Stand next to the console farthest away from the hangar doors. From that spot, stand as close to Jonathan and Elvis as you can. You should be able to hear them talking. After they're done, wait until the music changes. Once this happens, press the B Button on both of the consoles. The level should end. (Good way to get Invincibility, [Agent, 3:50 or less]).
Access Perfect Darkness Difficulty
Complete all solo missions in Perfect Agent Difficulty.
Access Mr. Blonde's Revenge
Complete all solo missions in Agent Difficulty or better.
Access Maian SOS
Complete all solo missions in Special Agent Difficulty or better.
Access WAR!
Complete all solo missions in Perfect Agent Difficulty.
Access Duel
Find all weapons in the solo missions and get at least Bronze Rating for each weapon on the Carrington Institute Firing Range.
In-Game Cheats
DK Mode
Complete mission 3.1 Chicago In Any Difficulty
Small Joanna
Complete mission 3.2 G5 Building In Any Difficulty
Small Characters
Complete mission 4.1 Area 51 Infiltration In Any Difficulty
Team Heads Only
Complete mission 5.1 Air Base In Any Difficulty
Play As Elvis
Complete mission Area 51 Rescue In Perfect Difficulty In Under 7:00
Slow Mo Single Player
Complete mission 1.2 dataDyne Investigation In Any Difficulty
Complete mission Area 51 Escape In Agent Difficulty In Under 3:50
Cloaking Device
Complete mission 3.2 G5 Building In Agent Difficulty In Under 0:59, or use the Game Boy Color Perfect Dark with the Transfer Pak.
Marquis Of Queensbury Rules
Complete mission 1.1 dataDyne Defection In Special Difficulty In Under 1:30
Jo Shield
Complete mission 6.2 Deep Sea In Any Difficulty
Super Shield
Complete mission 7 Carrington Institute Defense In Agent Difficulty In Under 1:12
Perfect Darkness
Complete mission 5.3 Crash Site In Any Difficulty
Enemy Rockets
Complete mission 6.1 Pelagic II In Any Difficulty
Enemy Shields
Complete mission 7 Carrington Institute Defense In Any Difficulty
Infinite Ammo For Laptop Gun
Complete mission 5.2 Air Force One In Perfect Difficulty In Under 2:59
Infinite Ammo
Complete mission 6.1 Pelagic II In Special Difficulty In Under 5:50
Infinite Ammo & No Reload
Complete mission 5.1 Air Base In Special Difficulty In Under 2:59
Hurricane Fists
Complete mission 1.3 dataDyne Extraction In Agent Difficulty In Under 2:03, or use the Game Boy Color Perfect Dark with the Transfer Pak.
Access Goldenyeesque Weapons PP9I, CC13, KLO1313, KF7 Special, ZZT, DMC, AR 53, & RC-P45 In Solo Mode
Get all gold on the firing range.
Rocket Launcher
Complete mission 1.3 dataDyne Extraction In Any Difficulty
Sniper Rifle
Complete mission 2 Carrington Villa In Any Difficulty
Super Dragon
Complete mission 4.3 Area 51 Escape In Any Difficulty
Laptop Gun
Complete mission 5.2 Air Force One In Any Difficulty
Complete mission 8 Attack Ship In Any Difficulty
Psychosis Gun
Complete mission 3.1 Chicago In Perfect Difficulty In Under 1:44
Trent's Magnum
Complete mission 5.3 Crash Site In Agent Difficulty In Under 2:50
Complete mission 6.2 Deep Sea In Perfect Difficulty In Under 5:13
Classic Sight
Complete mission 1.1 dataDyne Defection In Any Difficulty
X-Ray Scanner
Complete mission 4.2 Area 51: Rescue In Any Difficulty
Complete mission 9 Skedar Ruins In Any Difficulty, or use the Game Boy Color Perfect Dark with the Transfer Pak.
All Guns In Solo Mode
Complete mission 9 Skedar Ruins In Perfect Difficulty In Under 4:07, or use the Game Boy Color Perfect Dark with the Transfer Pak.
Access Pugilist
Complete mission 1.2 dataDyne Investigation In Special Difficulty In Under 6:30
Access Hotshot
Complete mission 4.1 Area 51: Infiltration In Special Difficulty In Under 5:00
Access X-Ray Scanner
Complete mission 4.2 Area 51: Rescue In Any Difficulty
Access Hit and Run
Complete mission 2 Carrington Villa In Special Difficulty In Under 2:30
Access Alien
Complete mission 8 Attack Ship In Special Difficulty In Under 5:17
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