Gain All Secrets in the Game
Just play & finish the game repeatively & remember every time you beat final mission have "Survival" bonus.
Easy way to play as Mardy Pigs
Just survive the last mission called "Isle Island" with at least 3 out of 5 pigs you have. It means that when you finish this mission you must have at least 3 pigs that are alive.
Easy beat last war
Just goto near the enemy pigs & throw to them "Poison Gas" & then hide yourself until they die. Each of your pigs must be used for one enemy soldier. Do not harm the pigs that it's a mardy pig.
Play as Mardy Pigs
Successfully gain all survival bonuses in the game,then when you beat final mission you gain a "Mardy Pig" as your survival bonus.You will start with them from first stage but all of countries are in hands of your last team & more difficult.
Extra promotions
Successfully complete the game one time, then start a new game to have 250 promotions available.
Promote Pigs
Enter 'Naughty Pigs' as your team name to promote all of your pigs.
Heal yourself
Heal yourself with a medi gun by pointing the gun straight up in the air. Shoot, and it will hit and heal you.
Bonus FMV sequence
Enter "WATTA PORK" as a name.
View FMV sequences
Enter "PRYING PIGS" as a name.
Team Lard
Enter "MARDY PIGS" as a name.
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