Easy Zenny Gain
First, you must have the vacuum arm maxed out in all of it's statistics. It's also nice to have high attack and range. Then, go to the Cardon Ruins, and look in the room right next to the refractor. Shoot the bee hive looking things, and use the vacuum arm to suck up the zenny really fast. Also, Shoot the bugs and the robots for extra zenny. It should all equal up to about 5000-7000 Zenny. Then, don't exit the building, but right next to the exit is a ledge. Jump up and go through the door. Then, turn right around and go back to the room with the bee hives. All the enemies will be back! Just repeat this until you have enough money to satisfy you.
Bad Boy
When you finish beating the big robot in the Old City go to the airship and press CIRCLE on the Television. go to downtown and blow up the red car. pick up the suitcase and go out the door. It will ask you if you want to steal the money. say Yes and you will get 200,000 instead of 20,000.
If you press CIRCLE on the cat in front of the main gate, the game will ask if you want to take it back to Flutter. If you say yes, every time you enter Flutter there will be more and more cats. I currently have about twelve.
Change Color
To change color to dark navy or black you must be a bad boy! Start by kicking all vending machines (many times), kicking animals, kicking the can in Apple Market into the bakery for 1,000 Zenny, not repairing damaged buildings in the City Hall battle, let the bombs explode in the "Bombs in the City" subquest, and by shooting the police car and keeping the "trunk of cash" in the sub-quest when the Pirates rob the bank (you get the bank robbery sub-quest by watching TV in the Flutter after defeating Bruno, the Pirates last robot). When you finally change color (it doesn't take long) it looks really cool!
Easy Kevlar Omega Jacket
To get easy an easy kevlar omega jacket (reduces 3/4 damage) go to the Yass plains first battlefield. Defeat all the tanks and towers, then go into one of the refuge buildings and come back out. All enemies will revive. Just repeat the process over and over again. The refuge building where the junk store owners is located at the top of the one of the tower platforms. To get there, just go to the far side of the small platform and use the small hill to jump up. You should get all the jackets in a moderate amount of time.
Easy Money
Certain sections of the game contain enemies who drop expensive refracters. By leaving the area and then coming back, you can kill the same enemy over and over to build up your cash supply.
There's another way, too. You can earn a quick 1000 Zinny by kicking the soda can behind the counter of the Bakery Shop. As the game progresses the amount you receive for your efforts goes up. This is a great trick if your low on cash.
For more money, find the can in the apple market. If you can kick it into the Jetlag Bakery you'll receive 1000 zenny!
For even more, go to Data (the monkey) and tell him "I keep Losing fights" then he'll give you money. If he says you want more say No. He'll give you more money. If he ask again say yes and he'll give you the last of his money.
Free Drinks
Go to any vending machine and hit Circle, when it asks you if you want to buy a drink say no. Then kick it for a free drink. Do it until you're thirst is quenched!
Free Energy In Battle
After you have beaten a robot, a servabot will appear. Shoot it three times before it runs off. Walk over to it and use the triangle button to kick it. A piece of health will appear. This can only be done three times on each servabot.
Free Energy in Town
Walk up to any vending machine and press CIRCLE. When it asks you to deposit 100z, say "No" and kick it. You'll receive a free drink and refill your life.
NOTE: This can only be done once on each vending machine.
Hard Mode
For a greater challenge, beat the game then return to the start screen. A new option will appear.
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