| Porsche Challenge Cheats and Walkthroughs |
Cheats To activate this codes you must be in the headmenu. YOUR CAR JUMPS- Square, O, Square ALL CARS JUMPS- up+Square, up+O, up+Square, up+O, up+Square, up+O, up+Square INTERACTIVE TRACKS- left+O, up+Triangle, right+Square LONG TRACKS- up+Select, up+Select, Start, Select INVISIBLE CARS- Square+O, L2+R2, Square+O, L1+R1, Square+O UNLIMITED CREDITS- L1+L2, R1+R2+Square TESTDRIVER- right+Square, left+Select+O SUPERCAR- Select+Square, Select+O, Select+Square+O MIRRORED TRACKS- left+O, down+Triangle, right+Square Back to Playstation