Return Fire Cheats and Walkthroughs - Video Game Cheats

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 Return Fire cheats and walkthroughs

    Return Fire Cheats and Walkthroughs


One Player Password:
02 - Umbrella, Bird, Butterfly, Flower
03 - Face, Teapot, Bunny, Umbrella
04 - Bunny, Umbrella, Bird, Bird
05 - Flower, Umbrella, Bunny, Teapot
06 - Bird, Teapot, Butterfly, Butterfly
07 - Bear, Bear, Clover, Bird
08 - Bunny, Teapot, Umbrella, Heart
09 - Clover, Butterfly, Bird, Heart
10 - Heart, Butterfly, Teapot, Heart
11 - Umbrella, Umbrella, Bird, Flower
12 - Flower, Teapot, Clover, Butterfly
13 - Heart, Umbrella, Clover, Heart
14 - Bunny, Face, Flower, Clover
15 - Bunny, Face, Bear, Bird
16 - Flower, Umbrella, Bird, Bunny
17 - Flower, Bear, Heart, Umbrella
18 - Face, Bird, Heart, Clover

Two Player Password:
02 - Butterfly, Umbrella, Bear, Heart
03 - Bear, Bunny, Flower, Clover
04 - Umbrella, Heart, Clover, Flower
05 - Umbrella, Bear, Bunny, Heart
06 - Teapot, Bird, Butterfly, Flower
07 - Heart, Flower, Clover, Butterfly
08 - Heart, Bear, Bunny, Heart
09 - Bear, Bunny, Clover, Flower
10 - Butterfly, Face, Umbrella, Clover
11 - Bear, Flower, Face, Flower
12 - Teapot, Bear, Flower, Umbrella
13 - Heart, Bird, Flower, Clover
14 - Face, Bird, Clover, Teapot
15 - Teapot, Bird, Clover, Bear
16 - Umbrella, Teapot, Bird, Flower
17 - Face, Bear, Bunny, Flower
18 - Bunny, Heart, Flower, Bird

Extra levels

Complete all the levels including the top set. Move up once more in the level select screen to access a row that does not display on the screen.


Hold Square + X + Circle + Triangle to destroy the vehicle currently being controlled.

Player handicap

Go to the vehicle selection screen. Press and hold all four buttons (L1, L2, R1, R2). A vehicle will explode in the row that is highlighted. This can be done for each vehicle to make the game more difficult.

Goofy symbols

Call up the password entry window (with the four symbols) and rapidly press L1, L2, R1, and R2 until the symbols turn into slightly demented versions of themselves.

Unlock all levels

1-player game: Smiley, Bird, Heart, Clover
2-player game: Smiley, Bear, Rabbit, Flower

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Return Fire Walkthroughs and Cheats
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