Rogue Trip Cheats and Walkthroughs - Video Game Cheats

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 Rogue Trip cheats and walkthroughs

    Rogue Trip Cheats and Walkthroughs

Special moves

hold triangle for all of the following:
steal cash...left,right,up.
rear stun...right,left,down.
up on left wheels...up,down,left.
up on right wheels...up,down,right.

Gameplay cheats

enable cheats...L1+R1+R2+select.
god mode...hold L1+R1+R2,then press up,down,left,right.
infinite weapons...hold L1+R1,then press up,down,up,R2.
mega guns...X+R2+L1+R1+down

Password Codes

get Goliath...triangle,L1,R1,X,L2,L2.
get Nightshade...R1,R2,L1,L1,X,O.
get Helicopter...L1,triangle,R2,triangle,triangle,R1.
get UFO...R1,square,X,square,L2,O.
funtopia(challenge mode)...X,O,L2,X,square,L1.
Gulch (challenge mode)...X,square,O,L1,L2,square.
Boss1 (challenge mode)...O,R2,R1,square,L1,L2.
infinite turbo...square,X,O,triangle,R1,R2.
infinite jump...O,square,R2,X,triangle,R2.
extra armor...R1,triangle,R1,triangle,L1,square.
x2 pickups...L1,L2,O,L1,R1,square.
boss(big daddy)...square,triangle,O,O,R2,R2.

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Rogue Trip Walkthroughs and Cheats
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