Vigilante 8 Levels
Enter OLD LEVELS on the password screen to get the origional Vigilante 8 levels.
Unlock all characters
Enter the code Unlock All backwards LLA KCOLNU to get all the vehicles.
All Cars Have Maximum Stats
Enter the code Hotrod All backwards LLA DORTOH to get a new chasis for all the vehicles.
At the password screen type Invincible backwards ELBICNIVNI.
View all ending sequences
Enter "LONG_MOVIE" as a password to view all endings in one continuous sequence.
Super missiles
Enter "BLAST_FIRE" as a password to increase the damage from missiles.
No wheel attachment icons
Enter "DRIVE_ONLY" as a password to disable wheel attachment icons from spawning.
Original levels
Pause the game, remove the game disc, then insert the original Vigilante 8 disc. If done correctly, the message "V8 levels enabled" will be displayed. Insert the Vigilante 8: Second Offense disc again. Then, quit the current game to access the original Vigilante 8 levels as well as the new levels.
Same cars in multi-player
Enter "MIXES_CARS" as a password to allow more than one person to select the same car in multi-player mode.
Rapid fire
Enter "RAPID_FIRE" as a password to remove the delay when shooting weapons.
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